Submission of manuscript


When authors submit their manuscripts to JIBS for publication consideration, the authors agree to abide by the Journal's publication requirements.
The manuscript:
must not have been previously published in whole (including book chapters) or in part (this includes paragraphs of text and exhibits).
must not be accepted for publication elsewhere.

When authors submit their manuscripts to Crustacean Research (CR) for publication consideration, the authors agree to abide by the CR publication requirements.

   1, The manuscript should not have been previously published in whole (including book chapters) or in part.

   2, The manuscript should not be accepted for publication elsewhere.

   3, The manuscript should not be under review for publication elsewhere and will not be submitted to another publication entity during the CR review process.


However, with some restrictions, CR will consider articles previously available as "preprints" (preprint journals) on non-commercial servers.  These include, for example, bioRxiv, PeerJ PrePrints, and Nature Precedings.  

   1) CR does not accept the manuscript of the description of new taxa, which has been previously posted to a preprint server (a preprint journal).

   2) When the submission to CR, the author should inform CR via the cover letter that the manuscript has been posted to a preprint server (a preprint journal), provide the name of the preprint server, and the link to the manuscript.

   3) No additional versions of the manuscript may be posted to preprint servers at any time after initial submission to CR

   4) Upon acceptance, a DOI will be assigned to CR by the Carcinological Society of Japan on J-Stage.  It is the author’s responsibility to update the manuscript of the original version on any preprint servers with this DOI.


For a definition and explanation of "preprints", please see, for example,



Manuscripts should be sent to the editor by attached files by e-mail to;

     E-mail: naruse(at)

     Naruse, Tohru 

     University of the Ryukyus


1) Body text, tables, and figure legends should be produced using MS Word with page numbers visible.


2) Tables that cannot be prepared by MS Word and figures should be submitted as separate files, along with the text file.


3) Individual e-mails should not exceed 10MB, including attached files. If your file is larger than 10MB, split it into smaller files and email them separately.


4) If you do not have access to e-mail, you can send manuscripts on electronic media (CD, floppy disk, etc.) to the above-mentioned postal address.






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